Policies, procedures, and information to support your University business travel abroad.
U Travel
See U Travel Program for:
- Specific international travel guidance
- Booking procedures and contracted discounts
- Travel 101 overview of policies and requirements
- See U Travel Program for overview of policies and requirements related to paying for travel
- Administrative Policy: Traveling on University Business
- Currency requirements
- Use of University Travel Card
- Substantiation and documentation of expenses
- Foreign Per Diem Rate (U.S. Department of State)
- Meals and Incidentals (M&IE) Breakdown (U.S. Department of State)
- Limitations when traveling on Sponsored Funds
Research and Compliance
- Travel to locations with sanctions or export controls
- Export Control Compliance (OVPR)
- Review of International Research (Institutional Review Board IRB)
- International Research Support and Guidance (OVPR)
- Project Planning and Implementation (Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility)
- Technology guidance for keeping devices and data secure
Technology Guidance
- Technology Guidance for International Travel includes:
- Steps to take before, during, and after travel
- Addition UMN resources related to data and device security
- Frequently asked questions
- Considerations When Traveling to China