Guest Process

Insurance is now available to purchase for University of Minnesota guests traveling for University business.

Guests will be able to access the same international health, security, medical, and evacuation insurance coverage provided to UMN travelers through On Call International when their travel is registered and paid for by a sponsoring unit.


University departments may purchase coverage for the following:

  • Outbound UMN Guest: A UMN guest is someone who is traveling abroad for University business but is not employed by the University of Minnesota. This person is NOT a personal guest of a UMN traveler. This person’s travel should be necessary to perform work (e.g., research, consulting, training) undertaken by the University of Minnesota, and their travel expenses are normally paid for using University funds.
  • Inbound UMN Guest: This is any guest of the University of Minnesota whose primary purpose is University business but will NOT be taking courses or pursuing a degree at the University. This may include any of the following:
    • Delegations of visitors from international institutions (e.g., universities, governments, NGOs)
    • Guest speaker invited to present at a UMN function or event
    • Prospective employee (faculty or staff) from another country
    • Short-term visitors for non-credit bearing educational or training programs sponsored by UMN 

Cost and Registration Process

Cost to the unit (must be paid by EFS payment method only):

  • Inbound UMN Guest $5.50 per day
  • Outbound UMN Guest: $3.50/day

Process: To register an Outbound UMN Guest or Inbound UMN Guest, a University of Minnesota faculty or staff member must enter the traveler's information into the UMN International Travel Registry using the Proxy Registration method. 

  1. Go the the International Travel Registry and select to register “For Someone Else.”
  2. Enter all of the required information for the traveler, including an EFS number and financial contact for payment of the insurance.