Internationalizing the Curriculum

The Office of Curriculum Internationalization (OCI) works with faculty, staff, and departments to design international, intercultural, and global learning experiences that prepare all students to address complex local and global challenges in a multiracial, multilingual, and multicultural world.

Get Started

We offer multiple entry points with varying levels of time and commitment, from 30-minute workshops and collegial lunchtime conversations to professional travel opportunities and expert-facilitated, micro-credentialed programs for comprehensive curriculum redesign. Click on the buttons below to explore options and register!

Upcoming Events

12:00pm | Friday, October 4, 2024

Online, instructor led

This webinar will explore pedagogical approaches that foster a linguistically inclusive classroom where multilingualism and language differences are seen as assets. We will also highlight some second language acquisition (SLA) principles and related teaching practices that can support ongoing language and literacy development, while making classroom content more accessible. 

This session is based on the text, Fostering International Students Success in Higher Education, and focuses on the second chapter. No need to read the book prior to attending the webinar.

12:00pm | Friday, November 8, 2024

Online, instructor led

In this webinar we will explore ways to minimize linguistic and cultural bias in assignments and assessments. We will also discuss ways to provide feedback on language and consider informal accommodations to help ensure equitable and inclusive assessments and assignments. 

This session is based on the text, Fostering International Students Success in Higher Education, and focuses on the second chapter. No need to read the book prior to attending the webinar.

12:00pm | Friday, December 6, 2024

Online, instructor led

In this webinar we will explore ways we can be advocates for international and multilingual students beyond our classrooms and help ensure their voices and experiences are considered and included in campus-wide conversations, particularly those related to DEI. We will also discuss ways to help students develop agency and ensure they are and feel integrated on campus.  

This session is based on the text, Fostering International Students Success in Higher Education, and focuses on the fifth chapter. No need to read the book prior to attending the webinar.