Information for External Audiences

We have curated some frequently requested information and resources for external audiences related to the work of the GPS Alliance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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How many international students are at the University of Minnesota?

See International Facts and Figures on our M Global site for numbers of students by campus and other statistics.

How many UMN students study abroad?

The University of Minnesota is a nationally recognized leader in learning abroad. See International Facts and Figures on our M Global site for information about study abroad and other statistics.

How do I establish an international partnership or agreement with the University of Minnesota?

The University of Minnesota has a long and rich tradition of collaborating with institutions and organizations abroad through educational programs, exchanges, and informal linkages. Learn more on our Partnerships page.

How can I learn more about applying to the University as an international student?

The University of Minnesota has welcomed international students since 1874, and is proud to host students from 130+ locations today. Admissions information is based on level of study:

Does the University offer passport services?

The University operates official passport acceptance centers at two campuses:

Does the University offer translation or interpretation services?

The University of Minnesota does not offer any formal language translation or interpreting services; however, we have collected some tips and advice on finding a translator or interpreter.

In what countries does the University have partnerships or connections?

The University of Minnesota has connections and partnerships in almost every country around the world. See our Country Briefs with profiles of selected countries where the University has deep, long-standing, or extensive relationships.

Where can I learn more about other international activities and resources at the University?

The M Global website is the home for all things international across the University system.