Application Deadline: UMN COIL Strategic Leadership Institute

This six-week online strategic planning and networking experience, held March 18–April 29, is designed to enable higher education institutions to take their emergent or established Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) initiative to the next level of scale and engagement. Participants from both U.S. and non-U.S. higher education institutions of all types are invited to apply. 

New book provides inspiration, guidance for international and intercultural education

The “Power of One,” a new open-access book published by the University of Minnesota Libraries, will be available to read online as an e-book or to download as a PDF on January 8.

This collection illustrates the power that one teacher, researcher, or administrator has to change their campus and the hearts and minds of students. Through developing programs and redesigning courses, faculty can build a better tomorrow through international and intercultural education.

World Dialogue on Curriculum Internationalization: What, Why, and How?

This event is designed for faculty, staff, and internationalization officers to explore approaches to curriculum internationalization across institutions and cultures. Using the World Café method, participants will collaborate in small, interactive groups and reflect on what curriculum internationalization means to each of us, why it's important, and how we can help prepare colleagues to design and facilitate transformative internationalized learning experiences.