New provider for international medical insurance and emergency support

As of October 15, the University of Minnesota has a new provider—On Call International—for international medical insurance and emergency support services for University-purpose travel outside the U.S. As a result, there are several significant changes and exciting upgrades that University travelers should be aware of.

Accessing Assistance and Services 

University-purpose travel to Israel suspended

Update on 2/22/24: The University's travel restriction to Israel has been amended to allow for faculty and staff travel to the following districts only: Tel Aviv District, Central District, Haifa District, and Greater Eilat. All other locations still require an exception for faculty/staff travel; student travel to any location in Israel requires approval.

This email was sent to all faculty, staff, and students systemwide from the GPS Alliance on Monday, October 16:

Promoting mental health during study abroad

About one-third of college students in the U.S. have a mental health condition. The challenges of studying abroad and living interculturally can exacerbate the symptoms of some conditions such as depression, anxiety, or eating disorders, or prompt the development of new symptoms and conditions, according to Laura Dupont-Jarrett, Ph.D., L.P., a licensed psychologist and the University of Minnesota’s assistant director for education abroad mental health.