Ann Hubbard


Assistant Vice Provost, Learning Abroad

Ann Hubbard is Assistant Vice Provost, directing the Learning Abroad Center (LAC)—the central study abroad office on the Twin Cities campus. The LAC sends nearly 2,500 students abroad annually—to its own study centers, to partner universities, or on instructor-led programs. The LAC recruits students from other U.S. institutions to participate on its programs, and also serves as the School of Record for DIS: Study in Scandinavia, CET, and SFS.

Ann has long been active as a scholar-practitioner and trainer. She was a member of the NAFSA Trainer Corps for many years and served as a NAFSA Academy coach in 2014-25. She has served as a reviewer for The Forum on Education Abroad and obtained its Professional Certification in 2019. She is currently a Trained Facilitator, delivering certification workshops on the Standards of Best Practice. Ann is also IDI-qualified, and has authored a number of publications on the topics of intercultural learning, and study abroad and employability.

Ann worked a short time in high school exchange and then moved to higher education, working 20 years in study abroad at the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota). She served as a Vice President for Academic Assessment and Faculty-Led Programs at AIFS Study Abroad (2011-2020) and has been in the LAC since 2022. Ann earned her B.A. in French and International Relations at the University of Minnesota, an M.A. at California State University, Northridge, and a Ph.D. at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan in Higher Education Internationalization in 2019.