International Recruitment Committee Releases 2021 Annual Report
Posted: June 8, 2022The International Recruitment Committee, chaired by Aimee Thostenson of International Student and Scholar Services, recently released its 2021 annual report, which features statistics on international student enrollment and details the top factors impacting international recruitment. In 2021, top factors included lack of access to vaccines, border closures, travel restrictions, and increased concern about affordability, as well as strained U.S.-China relations.
This year's report also highlights the recruitment team’s first targeted digital marketing campaign and the results. It details the creative ways that ISSS has worked to engage future students—including the intentional use of digital multimedia platforms, such as WeChat and WhatsApp.
The International Recruitment Committee provides expertise, shares information, and brings constituents together to ensure the Twin Cities campus enrolls a diverse and academically strong international student body. The International Recruitment Committee invites opportunities to engage with the campus community. Under the auspices of the Global Programs and Strategy Alliance, the International Recruitment Committee includes key representatives from across the Twin Cities campus to provide visibility and ensure a collaborative recruitment strategy.