Internationalizing the Curriculum and Campus (ICC) serves as a hub for the rich internationalization efforts across the University of Minnesota system.
The ICC team supports faculty and staff who seek to grow their capacity to enrich course curricula and develop pedagogy that focuses on inclusion and integration of our globally diverse communities of learners. We believe this contributes greatly to a broad range of global, international, and intercultural student learning outcomes.
Key Initiatives
Internationalizing Teaching and Learning
Internationalizing Teaching and Learning (ITL) is an intentional approach to maximizing students’ international, global, and/or intercultural learning. The purpose of internationalizing teaching and learning is to provide strategies for faculty and staff to introduce all students across the University of Minnesota system to ways of considering their discipline of study through international, global, and international lenses, regardless of whether students study abroad or participate in other types of intercultural interactions during their time on campus.
International Student Academic Integration Initiative
International Student Academic Integration (ISAI) is a partnership between the Global Programs and Strategy (GPS) Alliance and the Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) to support faculty in designing and facilitating effective interactions in undergraduate classrooms among students from diverse national and cultural identities and different native languages. ISAI is funded by the International Student Academic Services Fee.
Meet Our Team
Ann Smith, Ph.D
Program Director, International Student Academic Integration (ISAI)
Our Partners
Center for Educational Innovation
The Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) advances the University of Minnesota’s teaching and learning mission by providing research-informed, transformative, and inclusive leadership in teaching and learning across the University of Minnesota system.
CEI has been a partner with ICC since the beginning of the initiative. Professional staff in CEI have lent their expertise with course design, assessment and evaluation, and international student learning to the Internationalizing Teaching and Learning efforts. CEI Interim Co-Director Kate Martin helped to co-found both the ICC key initiatives: International Student Academic Integration (ISAI) and the ITL Faculty Cohort Program in collaboration with the ICC team.
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
COIL courses embrace the use of digital technology to bridge the distance that separates countries and partners.
International Student and Scholar Services
Professional staff in International Student and Scholar Service (ISSS) have partnered on Internationalizing the Curriclum and Campus since the beginning of the initiative at the University of Minnesota. Their expertise in intercultural learning and assessment, and international student academic success have been critical to the development of the initiative. ISSS staff have been members of the ITL Faculty Cohort team and provided ICC with training for faculty on intercultural learning. Specific programs that connect international and U.S. students include Small World Coffee Hour, International Buddy Program, and Cross-Cultural Discussion Groups. See the ISSS website for more student programs.
Minnesota English Language Program (MELP)
The Minnesota English Language Program (MELP) provides English language courses that can help learners of English further develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Courses are offered for credit or noncredit and serve beginners to high-advanced English speakers who are matriculated University students.
In addition, MELP supports instructors who work with multilingual learners of English. This includes all of us! MELP offers students and faculty resources on its website, and has just published a new online module: Inclusive Teaching for the Multilingual Classroom: Content Delivery.
ICC partners with MELP in supporting instructors who teach international and multilingual students. The webinars under the theme of Supporting Multilingual Students have been developed and offered in partnership with our MELP colleagues.
University of Minnesota System Campuses
Internationalizing the Curriculum and Campus is truly a system-wide initiative. Faculty and staff work together to create a community for international education that spans all five University of Minnesota campuses. Partnership across the system enables faculty and staff to consider internationalization in various contexts and to share and benefit from expertise across the entire system.