Mestenhauser Student Award

Zongwen (Fiona) Wu

Zongwen (Fiona) Wu

Environmental Studies and Political Science

Zongwen (Fiona) Wu is a senior at the University of Minnesota, Morris, majoring in Environmental Studies and Political Science with a minor in French. Throughout her academic career, Fiona has demonstrated a strong commitment to environmental and social justice work as well as advocacy for international students. As an active member of a number of organizations, Fiona leads by example, encouraging her peer international students to get involved in campus organizations. Fiona has taken on leadership roles in organizations across the Morris campus, including serving as the Secretary for Academic Affairs and the Student Government Vice President in the Student Association, a student representative to the International Programs Committee, and as a Gender/Sexuality Advocate in the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Intercultural Programs. Her advocacy work focuses on international students and people of color who identify as LGBTQIA2S+, and she works to create spaces that are inclusive for all students. Fiona was recognized this year as a recipient of the U of M Scholarly Excellence in Equity and Diversity (SEED) Award.